While we are an independent fellowship and responsible for our own affairs, we do have links with other bodies. Some of these can be found below as well as some key people who have been inspirational in our Church life.
Professor Neil Hood, a former member of our Church, who died prematurely after a courageous battle with cancer, forged links for us with the business world.
He was a prolific writer, his specifically Christian books being “Whose life is it anyway?”, “Whose work is it anyway?”, “Whose money is it anyway?” and “Learning at the Crossroads”. His last book, completed not long before he died, “I’m Dying To Tell You”, has now been published.
We thank God for every memory of Neil. A great and good man walked humbly with his God among us and we have been hugely enriched by knowing him.
More connections –
One of our younger men serves with Operation Mobilisation. He has a wide responsibility for the management and distribution of literature aboard the MV Logos Hope including reaching out to the many individuals hungry to know more about our God as the ship visits many ports across the world.
Two of our members, Carolyn Baker and Judith McKeown, have commitments at Gospel Literature Outreach in Motherwell. We also enjoy having students, who are following the one-year residential course at Tilsley College in the GLO Centre, placed with us.
One of our members is secretary of the Haven Missionary Home in Hamilton.
We have many close ties with Pakistan. One of our members, now retired, was a missionary for years in that country and still has an active interest in the work and workers there. Another member’s sister is a missionary in Bolivia.
Our interest in missions gives us links with a good number of organisations. Click on the links below for an example:
We are also members of the Evangelical Alliance and of Partnership and contribute actively to the Hamilton Branch of the Scottish Bible Society
Christian Missions Charitable Trust (CMCT)
A Ministry of Vision, Faith and Action – working to transform lives in India.
CMCT is a charity based in Chennai, South India seeking to help the poorest of the poor in this city. John Speirs is International Chairman of CMCT and he visits the ministry regularly. Also, as UK Ambassador for CMCT, John seeks to promote the ministry within the UK.
Further details are available through the CMCT website: www.christianmissionsindia.org